When the remedy’s action is interfered with by external means. Certain substances have been known to interrupt the remedy action in some individuals. Antidoting factors also depend on how much time has passed since the person took the remedy before being exposed to an antidoting agent. Substances that have been known to antidote remedies are as follows: coffee, mint, strong-smelling oils, teatree oil, rosemary oil, camphor, eucalyptus, or other essential oils. Remedies can also be antidoted if the person is exposed to electrical charges, such as electric blankets, dentist drilling, airplanes, radiation, or x-rays. Remedies can also be ineffective if exposed to sunlight, high temperatures, radiation, strong smells, moisture, getting wet, touching,or spilling the pellets on the floor before consumption.

Means to weaken. The process of weakening a disease agent to make it less virile. HPx nosodes are either sourced from live human cases of the disease, or cultured mediums. Live case sources have not only the pathogen but also the normal human immune response to the pathogen. For HPx, attenuation is the process of dilution and succussion. The resultant solution is then used to anoint blank sugar pellets. The resulting preparation is pure disease energy which does not need added ingredients for preservation. Vaccine manufacturing attenuates pathogens through in cubation in foreign host mediums, including egg, pork, yeast, monkey, or human cells. These all could be contaminated by host genetic material and viruses. Additionally, attenuation can be accomplished through radiation, chemical treatment, or mechanical intervention. These preparationsare combined with preservatives, adjuvants, antibiotics, and othe ring redients to stabilize the solution. Vaccines, though attenuated, are crude doses with a material substance that will remain in the body and could genetically alter the functioning of the immune system and other systems.

All infectious disease runs through the circle of disease process. This process activates the general immune system and specific antibody production of the immune system. The General immune system responses include fever, localization of infectious agent and elimination pathway to recovery. An infectious agent can capitulate this process by its nature. An HPx nosode can doso in a mild form whereby the immune system is activated by the energy of the disease. But no disease is in the remedy, and the person does not become contagious. The body behaves as if it has the disease for a short time, where upon the immune system is activated towards immunity.

In homeopathy there are two main divisions in disease. The main characteristic ofacute diseases is their tendency to heal on their own.They have a destination and therefore a defined beginning and defined end, with or without treatment with medication or homeopathic remedies. In the case ofchronic diseases, on the other hand,self-healing is not possible. The organism grants them unhindered access and cannot eliminate them on its own. Chronic diseases progress in phases; there are latent periods between relapses where symptoms flare up time and again,in a more or less modified form, and with new symptoms, i.e., increase in ailments every few years. Inother words, chronic diseases don’t end until the individual dies.

An amount of remedy to be taken at one time (i.e.,three pellets of a single remedy). Repeating the remedy means repeating the dose. Single dose means giving three pellets once. A split-dose means to repeat the three pellets once shortly after, anywhere from 5 minutes to 24 hours. An extended dose is to repeat in successive intervals overseveral hours. A triple dose refers to repeating the dose of three pellets 3 times in 24 hours. Water dose means to add the pellets to a specified amount of water to dissolve them. Dosing can be taken by mouth, onesip at a time and repeated over a specified time.

Born in Germany,10 April 1755 and died in Paris, France, 2 July 1843, Dr. Hahnemann is the father of the complete system of healing termed homeopathy. Through his studies, he cameupon the concept of “like treats like.”Which reasons that a medicament could treat a disease because it had the power to cause the same disease. He experimented to test this theory and developed a process called a “proving,” whereby he ingested a substance to determine the symptoms it would cause. Over his life, Hahnemann conducted 150 provings, which he catalogued in his Materia Medica Pura.With these 150 remedies at his disposal, he took up the practiceof treating people according to the principle of “like cures like.” To his merit, he found the method to be valid and he was able to successfully treat many people with his remedies.

The acute consult is the process of reviewing the presenting symptoms of an individual in an acute health crisis, infectious disease, trauma, or exacerbation of chronic disease (i.e., an acute asthmatic episode). This type of consult usually is 30 minutes and is aimed at finding themost appropriate remedies for this set of symptoms. Resolution is expected within the hour, days,or week of the select remedies given. The constitutional consultis the process by which an entire health history is taken to understand the most limiting health and disease patterns this individualis experiencing. This includes presenting symptoms, past symptoms, past vaccination and allopathic medicine, family history and morphological types. This type of consult can run up totwo hours where upon homeopathic remedies will be selected to improve the base line level of health, reduce susceptibility to acute disease, undo suppression of past sicknesses, or activate detoxification pathways. Treatment can be several months to years to address all aspects.

Derived from the terms ‘Homeo’,which means similar, and ‘Pathos’ which means pathology.Also, it refers to the practice of medicine where an agent that can cause a set of symptoms can cure that same set of symptoms, viz: Homeopathy. Nosodes can be used according to the law of similars as well as HPx.

Use of a homeopathic remedy to reduce disease incidence by educating the immune system with a homeopathic nosode or remedy specific to the normal disease presentation of that disease. Remedies may not be chosen according to symptom similarity of the person but rather their direct relation with the disease in question. HPx can be achieved with a nosode of the disease, or a single remedy known to have a particular affinity for that disease: i.e., Belladonna for scarlet fever, Lathyrus sativus for polio, Ledum for tetanus, etc. HPx Nosodes can also be used to clear susceptibility to specific infectious diseases or latent effects of these diseases.

The use of the same substance in potency to cure its toxic effects. I.e.,MercuryAmalgamfor the detoxification of mercury amalgam fillings.

The foundational principle of the practice of Homeopathy: That which cancause a set of symptoms can cure the same set of symptoms in a sick person if the dose is sufficient to do so. The minimum dose is the least amount of medicinal substance needed to activate the healing response. I.e., as Belladonna poisons the sensorium causing feverish heat inthe head and delusions, in potency it can cure the same.

When an acute disease fails to resolve a condition of never-been-well-since that acute disease remains. This becomes a miasmatic layer upon the individual’s health. Conversely if there is a preceding miasmatic condition in the individual their ability to fully recover from specific diseases may be limited. A number of specific diseases fall under five main miasms. Miasmatic clearing involves the use of the main miasmatic remedies. This in turn reduces susceptibility to contracting and/or increases vitality to more fully resolve the diseases that fall within the susceptibility of that miasm.

The minimum dose of a substance to activate a response. This is one of the founding principles of homeopathy, the purpose of potentization, and the law of healing within the application of homeopathy. Dilution renders a substance to more and more sublime levels of dosing which exponentially increases the healing potential of the dose.

There are two main branches of the immune system; the general immune system and specific immune system. Innate immunity is the natural built-in system of immune cells and actions that you are born with. The ability to activate the general immune system (through fevers, localizations, and discharges is a part of general immunity). Acquired immunity is that which is temporarily, as in acquired through the mother’s milk while breast feeding, or prolonged as in activated through natural or artificial disease exposure and contraction. The process to immunity is through both general responses and disease specific antibody production. Vaccination and HPx are artificial exposure options.

While vaccines target forced antibody production, the methodology of injection of the antigen and all other vaccine components, by passes the mucous membranes where the general immune system would be activated. The forced antibody elevation, which is stimulated by the adjuvants included in the vaccines, is short-lived and comes at the expense of increased toxicity.

Conversely, HPx, as it is taken orally and is energetic in nature, touches upon the mucous membranes which activates the general immune system. The responses generated as a sign that the system is registering the imprint of the infectious agent and setting up an elimination pathway by which to discharge it. This process mimics that of the process of natural immunity. After sufficient doses antibodies may in-fact be produced, however these are not necessary to acquire immunity. Such as infants who gradually learn to make antibodies by 1 to 3 years ofage can develop immunity to infectious disease through the general immune system responseto the disease, or HPx dosing.

A homeopathic attenuation and dilution of pathological organs and/or tissues, causative agents, or disease products from infected individuals, such as discharges, excretions, secretions, and pathological tissues. Nosodes can be used in HPx programs or applied in health treatment protocols based on symptoms presentation.

Refers to the actual round white sugar pellets anointed with a few drops of a remedy or nosode.

Potency refers to the number of times a remedy has been diluted and succussed as per the definition of potentizing below. i.e., the remedies in these programs are 200C, 1M, or 10M potency. It means that they have been diluted and succussed 1 in 100, 200 times (200C), 1,000 times (1M), or 10,000 times (10M) respectively.

The process of repeated serial dilution and succussion used in making a homeopathic remedy. Potentization is a method by which the original disease agent is inactivated through a series of repeated dilutions. Each dilution is followed by “succussion”(striking the vessel containing the solution against a hard surface). This process dilutes the original solution to the point of no original molecules, but through the process of succussion its energetic frequency is enhanced. While remaining dynamic in nature and able to stimulate immune system response, it is no longer infectious or dangerous in any way.

Any substance that has been potentized according to the standards set by the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS). A homeopathic remedy is a remedythat can produce, in a healthy person, symptoms similar tothe symptoms a sick person is experiencing. A remedy has homeopathic action if used according to homeopathic principles, regardless of potency. Remedies can be made from plant, mineral, or animal sources, in addition to specific frequencies, healthy organs or secretions, or allopathic medicine andvaccines.

Primary drug action is what a substance does to the body, secondary action is what the body does in response to the substance.

Allopathic drug action is based on the primary action to force the body to make a response. Secondary allopathic drug action is what the body does in response to the drug. This can either be a side-effect or curative effect.

Homeopathic remedy action is based on activating the secondary action. The initial response moves with the symptoms of the body and the secondary response is the healing response.

The greater the susceptibility the person has to the remedy, the greater its likelihood of eliciting a healing response. Therefore, the remedy’s desired effect is a curative response, as the remedy resonates with the body and stimulates it to heal itself. Remedies, which do not have an affinity to the individual, will not elicit an action.

By homeopathic principles, remedies are employed to enhance the healing mechanism of the body. Remedies have no side-effects other than overall beneficial effects. After taking a remedy, there may be an intensification of existing conditions (homeopathic action). But if a remedy can intensify a condition, this activates the secondary response which ameliorates that same condition.

A homeopathic remedy made from healthy tissue or secretions of a specific part ofthe body. i.e., Pituitrinis a remedy made form the pituitary gland. Most mammalian sarcodesare procured from cows or sheep. The Lac series of remedies are made from the milks of theanimals. I.e., Lac caninumis made from dog’s milk.

The remedy that is most homeopathic to the set of symptoms at hand. I.e., the remedy that in previous provings has demonstrated a symptom picture similar to that the person is exhibiting.

The application of an allopathic drug prepared in homoeopathic potency where by the side-effects caused by the crude version of the identical drug are resolved by thesame drug in Homeopathic potency. Tautopathy is usually applied through protocols of ascending potency over time. The process is also called CEASE Clearing and serves as adetoxification protocol. I.e., the use of Pitocinin potency to clear the mal-effects of Pitocin used during labor and delivery. Or the use of homeopathic potencies of vaccines to clear vaccine damage.

An antibody titer measures how much antibody an organism has produced in relation toan antigen (pathogen). The ELISA Western blot test is a common means of determining antibody titers. HPx does not necessarily produce antibodies as we are stimulating the general immune system (the ability to produce a fever and discharge) rather than targeting specific antibody production.

The Vital Force isthe organizing force of life that governs all health and disease, and all functions within the body including the immune system.The ability for the body to heal sickness is directly related to the strength of the Vital Force.The Vital Force is the energetic substrate connecting the soul to the body: the degree of its clarity determines the ability of thesoul’s capacity to manifest its life through the physical body. It directs our evolution towards far reaching potentials and optimal health. It has recognizable characteristics that tell you of its presence, but it cannot be localized within the physical body. Disease first occurs at the level ofthe vital force before manifesting in the body. Homeopathic remedies in potency act throughtheir interaction with the Vital Force and the correction of that imbalance through the mirroring effect of the Similimum. In turn, the body heals the disease.